Friday 24 April 2009

jesus loves fags

"Gays die early because the practice abnormal sexual unions which result in the spread of disease. Gays die early because what they do is an abomination to God."

that inspiring quote came straight from the keyboard of the delightful fucking idiot who posted the piece of shit above on youtube. his name is "catholicmilitant", slightly oxymoronic i think, but whatever. This video is disgusting. Is it any wonder that more gays than straights are alcoholics and druggies? is it any wonder they commit suicide more? It's because of these religious fuckers driving gay people to believe that they are sinning, when they are not. these so called people of faith believe that it's their duty to the world to rid it of the GLBT community? fine, they're insane. But when the law lets these PSYCHOPATHS have kids, and bring them up to believe that opressing and hating gays is the right way to be, thats just fucking disgusting.

I can't write anymore. I'm too annoyed.

1 comment:

  1. this is completely blown out of proportion.
    it's not just trying to get our own rights, it's against any type of discrimination.
    and i'm sorry, was the same thing not done by black people? OH YEAH, IT WAS.
    gay pride day - black history month.
    maybe bigots should go and moan like that.

    oh, and america is a theocracy, many religions, why should christianity domintate everything?
    everyone is entitled to their own opinion, i know that, but just because he is a christian and not everyone else is, doesn't mean we're only doing it to get at christians. my mother was raised a christian and is more than accepting of the fact that i'm in love with a girl. christianity has nothing to do with it, it's people hiding behind christianity that most people don't like.

    oh, and america was built on separation of church and state :)

    zac, i think you might like this wee video to do with proposition 8 in california...

    it highlights a lot of the hypocrisy in christianity and amerian politics :)
